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Tuesday, May 28, 2013
 PTU ScrapKit  Bling Bling Baby  by Waggish Sparkle
You can purchase this kit at Scraps and The City
Artwork of  Alex Prihodko

New transparent raster layer 650 x650

open frame 1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 70%
Move down slightly

Open paper 4 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 70% and move below the frame layer
Erase all parts on the outside

Open the tube copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 70% and place as desired below the frame
Erase all parts on the outside
add a luminance legacy

Open tube again copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 70%, Mirror and move to the bottom
above all other layers

Open skyline 1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 times by 80% and move directly below the full tube layer

open sparkle 2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move as desired
below the frame layer
erase all parts on the outside
Open car 1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move below the full tube layer
Mirror and move to the left

open cat1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 80% and move to the center
directly below the tube layer  ans slightly to the right

Open ipod copy and paste as new layer
resize down about 5 times  by 80% and mirror
Move to the left center below the full tube layer

open dice1 copy and paste as new layer
move below the full tube layer and resize down by 80% 5 times
Move to the right

add name copyright and save

Saturday, May 25, 2013

**Written on 5.25.13 using my own mind and creativity. Any similarities are completely coincidental**

PTU Scrap kit is Because You Love Me (Full Size) by Dwana Designs
You can purchase it from Heartbeatz Creationz

Artwork of Keith Garvey, you can purchase at his store here 

New transparent Raster layer 600x600

open roundedframe 1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 50 %

open your tube layer  copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 time by 80%
Duplicate frame layer
Move above the tube
erase parts of the tube on the outside bottom of the frame
Now erase parts of the frame covering the upper half of the tube

open paper 2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down to your liking and move below all other layers
erase parts on the outside of the frame and add a dropshadow to the frame

open the sparkleburst 1  copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80 and place to the lower  bottom of the tube
erase all parts on the outside

open the banner ribbon2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 50% and then again 1 time by 80%
Place above all other layers amd tp the Bottom

open heartcluster1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down to desired  and move to the bottom left

open the bearyval4 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the right of the heart cluster

open champagne 1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and move to the bottom left below the cluster

open the flowerbead doodle copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the left below all other layers
Duplicate, Mirror and move to the right

add name copyright and save

Friday, May 24, 2013

PTU Scrap Kit is LasTatas by Black Widow Creations
You can purchase at her store here
Artwork by  Ismael Rac , You can purchase at his store here

New Transparent Raster Layer 650x650

open element 10 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 1 time by 80% and place in the center

open paper 10 copy and paste as new layer
move below the framw layer and erase
all parts on the outside

Open your close up tube layer copy and paste as new layer
Move below the frame layer, Duplicate Mirror and place as desired.
Merge down and erase all parts on the outside
add a luminance legaxy

open element 11 copy and paste as new layer
Move below the full tube layer

open element 33 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the left above all other layer
placed above the left foot

Open element 5 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the left above all other layers
Add a drop shadow to liking

Open element 21 copy and paste as new layer
Move directly above the frame layer

open element 48 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the top right
below the tube layer

Open element 40 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the left below the full tube layer

open element 39 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 2 times by 60% and move below element 40 and to the right

open element 38 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the left of element 40 and below

open element 32 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 60% by 3 times and move to the top of element 39

open element 23 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the left above the frame layer

add name copyright and save

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Art work by Alex Prihodko
PTU Scrapkit Pompons and Fun by PO Concepts 
Please visit her blog for a list of stores she sells in

New trasnparent Raster layer 650x650
You can crop out any un needed space

Open element 18 copy and paste as new layer
Place center bottom 

Open paper 25 copy and paste as new layer
move below frame and erase all parts on the outside

open your tube copy and paste as new layer
Place as desired below the frame duplicate if needed and merge
Erase all parts on the outside
add a luminace legacy

Open the tube again copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 80%
Mirror and move above all other layers

Open element 29 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 60% 2 times
Move above all other layers and to the right

open element 110 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 60%
Move to the top right below the tube layer

Open element 109 copy and paste as new layer
Move below the tube layer and in the center

Open element 63 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 60% 2 times and move top center below the legs of the tube

Open element 17 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% 
Move to the left below the tube layer

Open element 42 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60%
Move to the left below element 17

open element 118 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 2 times by 60% and move to the right below the tube layer

open element 93 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 60% and move above all other layers
Placing in the center

Open element 76 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 60% and move to the bottom right below the tube layer

add name copyright and save
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tube by Anna Marine , You can purchase as well as a license to use at CDO
Pay to Use Scrapkit Deadly Desires by Wicked Princess Scraps
Visit her blog for a complete list of stores she sells in

New transparent Layer 650x650

open frame 9 copy and paste as new layer
Place in the center

Open paper 10 copy and paste as new layer
Move below the frame layer and erase all parts on the outside

Open the tube layer copy and paste as new layer
move below the frame and to the right
Mirror and move as needed
erase all parts on the outside
add a luminance legacy

Open full length tube copy and paste as new layer
Duplicate frame and move the tube between the frames to the right
Erase the part of the frame that is covering the tube

Open ribbon 5 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 80% about 3 times
Flip, Mirror and move to the bottom above all other layers

open crowtime copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and move to the left below the ribbon layer

open book 5 copy and paste as new layer
reszie down 4 times by 80% move to the left above all other layers

open the voodoodoll copy and paste as new layer

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Artwork VeryMany  You can purchase at Pics For Design
PTU scrap kit In a Summer Breeze by Freeks Creations
Available at Mystical Scraps

New Transparent raster layer 650x650

Open frame2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and place in the center

Open paper 5  copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 3 times by 60% and move below the frame
erase all parts on the outside

open your tube and copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 60% move below the frame layer
to the left, erase all parts on the outside
add a luminance Legacy

Open tube again  copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and mirror and move to the right
above all other layers

Open the mushrooms copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 60% , mirror and move to the left
above all other layers

Open the grass blades copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 60% Mirror and move to the right below the full tube layer
duplicate and move to the left below the mushrooms

open ribbon 2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60%
Flip and move to the bottom below all other element layers

open the bubbles copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 60%
Move directly above the frame layer to the bottom

open the ribbon copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 60% 3 time and move to the bottom above ribbon 2

open the word art copy and paste as new layer
Move above all other layers and resize down 4 times by 60%

open the kitten copy and paste as new layer
Move above all other layers
resize down 5 times by 60% 
place bottom center

add name copyright and save


Monday, May 13, 2013

*Written on 5.13.13, by Scribbles using my own mind and creativity
 any similarities is  completely coincidental. *

Artwork of  Ninaste , you can find HERE
Matching PTU Scrapkit by Tiny Turtle Designs

Frame of choice, I am using one I made
Mask of Choice  - I am using one from the Creative Misfits 
Font of Choice, I am using a FTU font called Marguerite

New Transparent Raster Layer 650x650

Open frame copy and paste as new layer
Open paper 6 copy and paste as new layer
move below all other layers and erase all parts on the outside of frame
Add a drop shadow to the frame

Open your tube copy and paste as new layer
place as desired  and duplicate Mirror to the left and place as desired
Merge down and erase all parts on the outside of the frame
add a luminance legacy

open your tube layer again copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and move to the left above all other layers

open element 140 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60%
Move below tube layer and to the left
Repear with element 139
Mirror and move to the right
Merge down

open element 122 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 60% and move below element139  and 140
Keep slightly above both

open element 1 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% move to the center left above all other layers

open element 7 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60%
Move below the tube layer and to the right of it

open elemen 112 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60%
Move to the right above the tube layer 

Open element 136 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and move to the right
above the tube layer

open element 55 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and move to the left
below the tube layer near the bottom
Duplicate and mirror
Move to the right below element 7

Open Paper 28 copy and paste as new layer
Move below all other layers
Go to layer, New mask layer
from image select from dropdown, Hit ok
Merge group

open element 59 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60%
Move to the left below the star

add name copyright and save

Thursday, May 9, 2013

PTU Kit by  Fiona Devil's Creations Red white Blue.
You can visit her blog for stores she sells in
Tube is Ismael Rac, This one was purchased from MPT,
You can purchase them through his store  
Masks of choice at least 2 of them

New Transparent Raster Layer 650x650
Open element 23 copy and paste as new layer
Resize up 2 times by 105% 

Open element 24 copy and paste as new layer
Place in the center of element 23

Open paper 2 copy and paste as new layer
Move below all other layers
Go to layer, New mask Layer From image,
select from Drop down, Hit OK
Repeat with  paper 11 using a different mask

Open your tube and grab your close up
Copy and paste as new layer
Move below element 23
Erase all parts on the outside
duplicate and hide duplicate layer
highlight the original add a Gaussian blur to liking
unhide duplicate and add an overlay

Open the full length tube layer  copy and paste as new layer
Mirror and move to the right
duplicate element 24 and move above tube layer
erase parts of the tube that is on the bottom of the frame
Erase the parts of the frame that covers the tube

Open element 25 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 65% and move to the right above all other layers

open element 26 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 65% and move to the right above element 25

Open element 6 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 65% and move to the right above all other layers

open element 12 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 65%
Move below element 25
repeat with element 13 but move this one slightly below element 12

open element 36 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 times by 65% and then again by 80%
Move to the left below element 12

open element 5 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 80% and move to the left
below element 36 

open element 8 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 1 time by 65%
Move to the left above all other layers to the right of the cupcake

open element 11 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 65% 2 times
Move to the center left
below all other element layers

add name copyright and save

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

PTU Scrap Kit is Emo Gangsta by Toxic Desirz
Visit her blog for a list of stores she sales in 
Tube is Candy by Ninaste 
Masks from the Creative Misfits Blog

New transparent Raster Layer 650x650

open the filmstrip copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 1 time by 80%
Free Rotate to the right by 65%
Duplicate and mirror
Erase the parts that are over lapping
i just erase the part of the top frame that was in the bottom frame
add a drop shadow to both frames

Open paper 1 copy and paste as new layer
Move below all other layers and erase all parts on the outside

Open Paper 11  copy and paste as new layer
Move below all other layers
Go to layer, new mask layer from image
select from drop down
hit ok, Merge group

Repeat with Paper 18 using a different mask

Open tube layer copy and paste as new layer
Place inside the frames as desired
Erase all parts on the outside
Merge if needed and Duplicate and mirror

Merge both side together Duplicate
Highlight the original and add a Gaussian blur to liking
highlight the duplicated layer and add an overlay

open your tube layer again
copy and paste as new layer
Resize down by 80%  2 times and again by 90%
Move to the left alittle above all other layers

open the sparkles copy and paste as new layer
move below the tube layer
grab the erase and run over the part of the sparkles on the Background
 No need to worry about the rest

Open the car copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 90% 1 time and again by 80% about 3 times
Mirror and move to the right below the tube layer

open the diamond copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 80%
Move below the tube layer and in the center

open the skull copy and paste as new layer
Resize down by 60% about 3 times
Move to the top of the diamond and to the right
see mine for placement

Open the flame copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60%
Move below the car, Duplicate and move that one to the left

open the teddy copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 60% and move above all other layers infront of the car

open the gun copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 2 times by 60%
free rotate to the right by 45%
Mirror and flip
Move below the car layer

open the crown copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 60% 1 time
Move below the flames

open the bullets copy and paste as new layer
Move below the tube layer
resize down by 60% about 2 times

open the razor copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 60%
move to the left center
Below the crown
free rotate to the right by 45%

open flower 3 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% Move below the car layer and to the center right by the frame
repeat with flower 1

add name copyright and save

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scrap kit is by Tiny Turtle Designs - Kwaii Cutie Matching Kit
Artwork is Kawaii Cutie by -  Ninaste - you can purchase both at Scraps and the City
Frame I made for this Tutorial and is not supplied Sorry!
Mask of Choice , i am using  ones from the Creative Misfits Creations Blog.

New Transparent Raster Layer 650x650

open your frame of choice. I used one I made,
copy and paste as new layer
duplicate and hide the duplicate layer for now.

open paper 8 copy and paste as new layer
Move below all other layers and Hide for right now
Repeat steps with paper 1

Open paper 4 copy and paste as new layer
Move below the frame layer and erase all parts on the outside

Now un-hide Paper 1 and go to Layers
Select New Mask Layer, From image, select from drop down and hit ok
Merge Group and do the same with Paper 8 using your second mask

Open your close up tube layer,
copy and paste as new layer
Move below the frame layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and erase all parts on the outside

Open full length tube layer copy and paste as new layer
Move above all other layers and resize down 2 times by 70% and again by 80%
Mirror and move to the left

open element 158 copy and paste as new layer
resize up by 110%
Move below the paper 4 layer

open element 132 copy and paste as new layer
Move below element 158

open element 42 copy and paste as new layer
Move below the full tube layer and to the bottom of the frame

Open element 4 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and mvoe below element 42

open element 133 copy and paste as new layer
Mirror and move to the left below the tube layer

Open element 107 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times and move behind the tube layer slightly. 
As if it is hiding behind the tube

open element 76 copy and paste as new layer
Mirror and move below element 42
erase parts that is on the left side showing behind the tube

open element 112 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60%
Move above element 76  to the right

open element 144 copy and paste as new layer
resize 3 times by 60% and move to the right of element 112

Open element 81 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 60%
Mirror and move to the top right above all other layers
see mine for exact placement.

add name copyright and save



coffee-STAMP-by-peterdzign-zpsb088ee77 Copyof-Photography-A-Way-Of-Life-by-The-Stamp-King artist-s-block-stamp-by-erhbuggy-d2zukfp-zps5ae959a7

