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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Artwork on Ninaste 
PTU Scrap Kit from Bibi's Collection   City of angels

New Transparent Raster Layer 700X700

open paper 2 copy and paste as new layer

open element 15 copy and paste as new layer
Place in the center above the paper
erase all parts of the paper on the outside

open your full tube layer, copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 80% 1 time, move below element 15
Erase all parts on the outside and add a luminance legacy

Merge the frame, paper and tube layer and move to the right just a little

open the full tube again copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and Mirror, Move to the left

open element 74 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move below the full tube layer
to the bottom

Open element 91 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and move below element 74

open element 47 copy and paste as new layer
Move above all other layers and to the right
covering the right foot

open element 48 copy and paste as new layer
Move to the right center below element 74 

open element 28 copy and paste as new layer
move below all other layers and resize down 4 times 80%

open element 23 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 80% 1 time and move below full tube layer
And to the left

open element 16 copy and paste as new layer
Move to the top right above all other layers
resize down by 80% about 3 times
Place at the top of the frame and to the right

add name copyright and save

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Art work of Arthur Crowe
Matching Kit  Sencitive by Rissas Designs
Mask of choice I am using one from  Weescotslass Creations

New transparent Raster layer 700x700

open paper 4 copy and paste as new layer

Go to Layer, New Mask Layer from Image, select from dropdown
hit ok
Merge Group
resize down 1 time by 80% and adjust to where it is centered

Open frame 1 copy and paste as new layer
Placing center above the mask layer

Open the City Scape copy and paste as new layer
move above all other layers and to the top a little

open the tube copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move to the bottom center above all other layers

Open the discoball copy and paste as new layer
Move above th cityscape and resize down 4 times by 80%
Move down to where it is below the tube and looks to where it is
at the botto of the cityscape

open the guitar copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% Free rotate to the left by 30
and move to the left below the tube layer

open musicnote2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 50% and place as desired
Duplicate as many times as u want and spread them around
repeat with Musicnote1
(you may need to resize alittle more)

open bow 2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 50% and move to the top
above all other layers
Placing in the center

open the flamepop copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move to the left
below the Guitar

Open the wire copy and paste as new layer
resize up by 120 %
Go to Layer, New mask layer from image
select from drop down click ok and merge group
Merge group and move below all other layers

Add name copyright and save as a PNG.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

art work of Mistichekaya, you can purchase at Pics For Design
PTU ScrapKit  Garden Delight by Jennys Designz
you can purchase at Sweet Pinups 

New transparent Raster layer 700x700

frame 4 copy and paste as new later
resize 1 time by 90%
Free rotate to the left by 30
duplicate and mirror

open paper 4 copy and paste as new layer
move below the frame layer and erase all parts on the outside

open the tube copy and paste as new layer
Move above the paper layer
erase all parts on the outside of the frame
add a luminance

Open tube again
resize down 1 time by 80% and move above all other layers

open the sparkles copy and pasre as new layer
move below full tube layer
to the left, Duplicate and move to the right

open the basket copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80%
Move to the right above the sparkles and below the full tube layer
duplicate and move to the left

open the butterflys copy and paste as new layer
Move above the frame layer
Erase all parts covering the tube

open cat2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 80% and Move to the left above all other layers

Open stones copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move directly above the sparkle layers

open flower2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and move below the tube layer and to the right
Duplicate and move to the left

Open flower3 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 80% as desired and move to the right above all other layers

add name copyright and save
Monday, July 22, 2013

Kit is Butterfly kisses from Jennys Designs
Artwork by Sweet Pinups

New Transparent Raster layer 700x700
Open frame 2 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 2 times by 60% and then again by 80%

Open paper 4 copy and paste as new layer
move below the frame and erase all parts on the outside
Highlight the frame layer and add a drop shadow

Open your tube copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 80% and move below the frame
Erase all parts on the outside and add a luminance to it

Open the tube again copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% and 2 times by 80%
Mirror and move to the right above all other layers

open mushrooms2 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and 2 by 80%
Move to the bottom of the frame layer
below the full tube layer

open butterflys 2 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down 3 times by 60% and move below all other layers

open flowerbox copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and mirror.
Move to the right below the full tube layer

Open butterfly4 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 4 times by 60% and move to the top left of the frame layer

open the dog copy and paste as new layer
resize 2 times by 60% and move to the left above all other layers

open the seedbag copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and move to the right directly above the
flower box layer

Open Sparkles copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60%
Move to the top left below the frame layer
( see mine for exact placement )

open flowers 3 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and move to the bottom left
below the dog layer

add name copyright and save
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Artwork of Jay Trembly, You can purchase from SATC Here
Pay to Use Scrap Kit  Just Beachy by Bibi's Collection
Both can be purchased at Scraps and the city

New Transparent Raster Layer 700x700

open element 49 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80%

open your tube place as desired
Move below the frame and erase all parts on the outside
add a luminace legacy

Open paper 2 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down if desired and move below the tube layer
erase all parts on the outside

open the tube again copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move above all other layers
Duplicate the frame layer  and move above the tube layer
Erase parts of the tube below the frame

Hide the duplicated frame layer and with your tube layer highlighted
Grab your magic wand click on parts of the blue when u see the marching ants
where you want them go to selections, Modifity and Feather by 4
Do this with as much of the blue as u want to remove
I kept a good bit if it near the bottom.

unhide the frame layer and erase all parts covering the tube

open element 51 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move below all other layers bottom centered

open element 59 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by 80% about 1 time place to the bottom above all other layers
Duplicate and Mirror

Open element 16 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down by 80% and move to the right of the tube
place below the sand and erase parts of the frame and trees if needed

Open element 80 copy and paste as new layer
Move to the bottom and above the tube layer
below the frame later
erase all unwanted parts

Open element 75 copy and paste as new layer
Place to the left, duplicate and mirror to the right
Merge down and move below element 80
you can move element 80 down more if needed just erase any extra unwanted

open element 47 Copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and move below the tube layer to the bottom right
Move below the trees too ( you may need to hide all extra elements )

open element 50 copy and paste as new layer
resize down by80% about 2 times and move above all other layers covering her boobs
Duplicate and hide for now

Open element 50 again copy and paste as new layer
Move to the bottom left above all other layers
Duplicate Mirror and move to the right
above all other layers

unhide the duplicate layer and free rotate by 20% to the right and place above the larger starfish on the left
Duplicate again, mirror and move to the right

open element 62 copy and paste and new layer
Move to the left below the star fish
Resize down by 80% 1 time
erase all parts if below the star fish

open element 46 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80% and place in the center between the starfish

open element 61 copy and paste as new layer
Mirror and resize down by 80% about 3 times
move below the smaller starfish on the left

open element 83 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 80% and move center left below element 61

open element 81 copy and paste as new layer
resize down as desired and place on the top left of the frame below the tube layer

open element 96 copy and paste as new layer
resize down as desired and move to the top right above the starfish on the right

open element 53 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80%
Move to the center below all the starfish layers
you may need to resize 1 more time if needed

Open element 69  copy and paste as new layer
resize down as desired and move to the right of the mp3 player covering the one side
should be directly above the mp3 player

open element 94 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80% and move to the bottom above the glass and mp3 player
This needs to be above the right starfish

add your name copyright and save

Monday, July 8, 2013

Artwork  is Tiffany by Ninaste
Matching Pay to Use Scrap Kit by  Disturbed Scraps by Gaby 
You can purchase both from  Scraps and the City

New Transparent Rater Layer 700x700

open element 129 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 80%

paper 2 copy and paste as new layer
Move below all other layers and erase parts on the outside of the frame

Open the tube copy and paste as new layer
resize down about 2 times by 80%
Mirror and move to the left

duplicate the frame layer and move above the tube
Erase the lower part of the tube on the outside of the frame
erase the part of the frame covering the rest of the frame

Open element 56 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80%
Mirror and move above the paper layer
Erase all parts on the outside

open element 105 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 1 time by 80%
Move below all other layers
to the bottom

Open element 21 copy and paste as new layer
resize down about 3 times by 80% and move above all other layers
to the bottom

open element 73 copy and paste as new layer
mirror and move to the right
resize down about 3 times by 80% and move above all other layers

open element 4 copy and paste as new layer
Resize down by 80% 5 times and move below element 73
to the left above all other layers

open element 50 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 2 times by 60% mirror and move to the right below element 73
Duplicate and mirror, Move below the original and slightly up higher

Open element 108 copy and paste as new layer
resize down 3 times by 60% and move directly above element 56

Duplicate your tube layer and move below the original frame and
erase all parts on the outside, add a luminance legacy

Add name copyright and save



coffee-STAMP-by-peterdzign-zpsb088ee77 Copyof-Photography-A-Way-Of-Life-by-The-Stamp-King artist-s-block-stamp-by-erhbuggy-d2zukfp-zps5ae959a7

